PDF documents coming soon . . .
- Sex Crimes in New Mexico Reports
These sexual assault reports, developed by Dr. Betty Caponera from data submitted to the New Mexico Interpersonal Violence Data Central Repository from statewide law enforcement, service providers, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) units, and district courts, provide extensive data about the current state of sexual violence in New Mexico. http://nmcsap.org/resources/reports - The NM Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey (YRRS)
The YRRS is a tool to assess health risk behaviors (e.g., alcohol and drug use, sexual activity, tobacco use, suicide attempts) and resiliency factors (e.g. family relationships, school connectedness) of NM high school and middle school students. Includes state and county-level reports. http://www.youthrisk.org - Literature Review Summary: Sexual Violence and Prevention Summary [PDF]
Developed by Sara Nelson of Soda Creek Consulting, LLC, under contract with the New Mexico Department of Health, this document summarizes a review of literature that was used to determine evidence of success of current and past messaging and message dissemination strategies for sexual violence prevention initiatives. - Environmental Scan Report [PDF]
Developed by Leah Steimel of Soda Creek Consulting, LLC, under contract with the New Mexico Department of Health, this document provides a summary of public attitudes, reactions, and policy actions in response to sexual violence from national and New Mexico media outlets used to inform a sexual violence prevention strategic communications planning campaign developed in New Mexico.