NMCSAP is committed to the provision of comprehensive sexual violence services, which includes primary prevention of sexual violence. According to the Prevention Institute (preventioninstitute.org), “Primary prevention is a systematic process that promotes healthy environments and behaviors and reduces the likelihood of sexual violence from happening in the first place.” NMCSAP promotes primary prevention by working collaboratively at the state level with the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) and the University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center (UNM PRC) to build capacity, foster partnerships, and provide statewide coordination. Together, NMCSAP, NMDOH, and the UNM PRC identify and promote primary prevention strategies that protect against sexual violence and reduce risk factors that make individuals, communities and societies more vulnerable to sexual violence. NMCSAP, NMDOH and the UNM PRC work specifically with rape crisis centers and other non-profits in NM to implement primary prevention strategies in local communities by providing primary prevention training and technical assistance.
Our Vision: Safe communities free of sexual violence.
Our Mission: To prevent sexual violence through education, communication, collaboration, and community action by focusing on healthy relationships, gender equity, cultural strengths, and respoect for others.